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Cornell Fruit Resources

Resources for Commercial Growers


Spotted Wing Drosophila

Genus species: Drosophila suzukii

Crops of concern: Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are at high risk of SWD infestation. Fall-bearing and late maturing varieties are at greater risk than early maturing ones. June-bearing strawberries may escape injury, whereas late summer fruit on day-neutral varieties may suffer damage. Cherries, both tart and sweet, elderberries, and peaches are also susceptible. Thin-skinned grapes can be infested directly, though cracked or damaged berries are more susceptible. Help with identifying symptoms is found in the fact sheet, Recognize Fruit Damage from Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), from Oregon State University.

Wild Hosts: Our wild berries serve as hosts for SWD – black cap raspberry, low-bush blueberry, wild blackberry, wild raspberry, elderberry; especially those that fruit in late summer. Weeds serve as hosts, including pokeweed. Fruit on wild and landscape shrubs and trees has been shown to support SWD infestations, including autumn olive, honeysuckle, yew, and buckthorn. Definitive information on whether SWD uses a specific plant’s fruit for its habitat was compiled into a list of plants with photos on the factsheet, Noncrop Host Plants of Spotted Wing Drosophila in North America.

Wild and Ornamental Hosts of the Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, in Southern New England 1,2Chris Maier, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, CT

 Family  Common Name  Genus species
 Annonaceae  Pawpaw  Asimina triloba
 Aquifoliaceae  Catberry  Ilex mucronata
 Araliaceae  Devil’s Walkingstick  Aralia spinosa
 Berberidaceae  Mayapple  Podophyllum peltatum
 Caprifoliaceae  Japanese honeysuckle  Lonicera japonica
 Morrow’s honeysuckle  Lonicera morrowi
 American black elderberry  Sambucus nigra canadensis
 Celastraceae  Burningbush  Euonymus alatus
 Cornaceae  Kousa dogwood  Cornus kousa
 Silky dogwood  Cornus obliqua*
 Gray dogwood  Cornus racemosa
 Ebenaceae  Common persimmon  Diospyros virginiana
 Elaeagnaceae  Autumn olive  Elaeagnus umbellata
 Ericaceae  Black huckleberry  Gaylussacia baccata
 Blue huckleberry  Gaylussacia frondosa
 Highbush blueberry  Vaccinium corymbosum
 Blue ridge blueberry  Vaccinium pallidum
 Liliaceae  Garden asparagus  Asparagus officinalis
 Moraceae  Edible Fig  Ficus carica
 Phytolaccaceae  American pokeweed  Phytolacca Americana
 Ranunculaceae  Red Baneberry  Actaea rubra
 Rhamnaceae  Glossy buckthorn  Frangula alnus
 Common buckthorn  Rhamnus cathartica
 Rosaceae  Purple chokeberry  Photinia floribunda
 Beach plum  Prunus maritima
 Black cherry  Prunus serotina
 Chokecherry  Prunus virginiana
 Alleghany blackberry  Rubus allegheniensis
 Northern dewberry  Rubus flagellaris
 Bristly dewberry  Rubus hispidus
 Black raspberry  Rubus occidentalis
 Purpleflowering raspberry  Rubus odoratus
 Wine raspberry  Rubus phoenicolasius
 Solanaceae  Climbing nightshade  Solanum dulcamara
 Taxaceae  Japanese yew  Taxus cuspidate
 Vitaceae  Amur peppervine  Ampelopsis brevipedunculata
 Fox grape  Vitis labrusca
 Riverbank grape  Vitis riparia

1Unpublished original data of Chris Maier, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, CT.

2Plant names follow the USDA Plants Database.

* This species sometimes is considered a junior synonym of Cornus amomum.

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